Happy couple are first residents at new care home
Weavers Court, our Leeds Care Home situated in the beautiful new Green Lane Mills development at Yeadon has surprisingly welcomed two new residents even before the home is complete!
Settling on an area of sheltered scaffolding are two nesting pigeons who have made themselves’ quite at home!
Bob McGuigan, LNT Care Developments Site Manager at Weavers Court said “As nesting birds they are protected and more than welcome to settle here during their nesting season. The lads have been careful to work around them. All part of being Considerate Constructors!”
The brooding pair have not yet been named but Dawn Barrie, Care Manager of the soon to be opened new home said “Pigeons are monogamous and breed for several seasons as long as both birds of a pair live” adding, “We hope to see other couples settling in at Weavers Court when the doors open officially in October!”
Pigeon Fun Facts
- Pigeons have the ability to see about 26 miles.
- When fully feather, adult pigeons have around 10,000 feathers.
- There are approximately 400 million pigeons in the world.
Average flight speed of pigeons 60 – 77.6 miles per hour. Fastest speed just over 90 miles per hour (racing pigeon).